Planning & Zoning

Planning & Zoning

The Oronoco Township Administrator is T.C.P.A.
(Township Cooperative Planning Association)

Meet Third Monday of Each Month

The Oronoco Township Planning Advisory Commission meets the third Monday of the month at 6:00 PM in the Oronoco Community Center, except for major holidays when it meets on the fourth Monday.

If there are no agenda items or there is not a quorum of members, the meetings are canceled. Please check the calendar the day of the meeting before coming.

Interested in Serving?

The members of the Oronoco Township Planning Advisory Commission are appointed by the Township Board. Periodically, new members are needed. If you are a township resident and are interested in serving on this commission, please contact the Township Clerk.

Oronoco Township Land Use Plan

Oronoco Township Zoning Ordinance

2024 Updated Planning & Zoning Text Amendments